"Wedding Songs". Cantata No. 3

K. B. Bird
Piano – Soviet Composer,
Score – Music, 1986
in folk words
For mixed choir and symphonic orchestra with mezzo-soprano solo
In six parts
Second concert version – 1995 for two pianos with percussion and choir (not published)
Along with “Notes of a Madman,” it is the composer’s most popular work, performed and performed many times by different choirs.
“In general, I can consider both cantatas (No. 1 and No. 3)… as an expression of one line of creativity. Its features:
1. A truly popular text.
2. The nature of the music is close to folk songs, laments, etc.
3. Figurative “clarity”, concreteness, visibility.
4. Rethinking, new psychological content of folk images.
5. New (coming from verse) form-building” (from the composer’s letter to V.P. Bobrovsky).