"Symphony-intermezzo". Symphony No. 5

Not published
Not fulfilled
The second part of the cycle of symphonies "Rus' is leaving"
The one-movement Fifth Symphony, subtitled "Intermezzo Symphony", is indeed a kind of intermezzo between the large-scale Fourth and Sixth Symphonies. The point is not primarily in the duration of the performance, but in the nature of the musical material: the Fifth is based not on the completed, big-breathing themes, as in the Fourth and Sixth, but rather on short signal themes, call themes, ringing themes, placed in a wide, seemingly boundless acoustic space. In connection with this, a unique, dispersed dramaturgy of the symphony arises, in the score of which the highest, very refined mastery of orchestral timbre writing is fully manifested. Perhaps the Fifth is the most unusual work for the author among the "large symphonies".