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Ten scenes from silent cinema
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Not published

Memorial Museum-Apartment of Sergei Prokofiev 10/16/2022

E. Sedelnikov (piano)

Ten pieces of medium difficulty for FP

(based on the film "Lace")

Ten Scenes from Silent Cinema is Yuri Butsko's opus based on film music. Every composer who writes for film in one way or another has suites composed using film music.

Each of the 10 scenes has its own title, corresponding to a specific fragment from the film "Lace":

1 Factory (Machine Music)

2 Marusya's Theme

3 Harmonica

4 Boredom

5 Gallop

6 Pavel's Theme (urban romance)

7 Homeless Children (street scene)

8 Waltz

9 Cell meeting

10 March.

For each of these scenes, Yuri Butsko gives his own musical characteristics, but at the same time united by common intonation structures. The score clearly

the plot moves, the scenes unfold slowly, while painting vivid figurative scenes. The 10 scenes represent a transitional genre between the piano sonatas of the early period of his work and the cycles “From the Diary”, written at the end of his life, and with their applied meaning, the 10 scenes bear clear stylistic features of Butsko’s music, where coloristic, technical, textural techniques characteristic of the composer’s piano music are widely used.

The composition in its current form was completed in 1989, but during the author's lifetime it was never performed in concert.

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The design of the site uses the works of the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Kalinin, as well as the composer's autographs.

2021-2024. Yuriy Butsko Foundation.

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